Miles Berry

Software Engineer & Musician - (213) 810-6060


  • Freelancing Web Developer

    Jan. '23 -  Current

    Email Marketing Specialist - LoveNotes

    - Crafting SQL queries and segmenting users from a database to send automatic email campaigns.

    Web Developer - Various Clients

    - Utilized HTML/CSS, Javascript, and ReactJS to develop and/or update a client's website to their satisfaction under the agile development philosophy.

  • Tech & Sound Research Assistant

    Sep. '22 - Jun. '23

    - Designed, fabricated, and implemented the programming, electronic and 3D components of various projects in collaboration with a team of different backgrounds that were showcased by Oberlin College’s Technology in Music And Related Arts Program.

    - Led and instructed fabrication workshops for students to learn programming microcontrollers, 3D fabrication, and fundamental electronics.

  • Machine Learning Music Generarion Project

    Nov. '22 - Jan. '23

    - Designed, implemented, tested, and optimized a recurrent neural network model in Python to generate music designed to accompany a live piano performance.

    - Experimented with other machine learning algorithms to determine which would be the best fit for our use case.

    - Scrubbed input data to have our model's output be more musical.

    - Problem solving, both in an individual effort, and in a collaborative effort, to design, implement, and debug our ML model.

  • Computer Vision & Fourier Series Project

    Apr. '22 - May. '22

    - Used Python, Jupyter Notebook, numPy, and sci-kit Learn, to experiment with computer vision concepts to create a unique song output for each image input.

    - Used the Fourier Series to translate the visual frequencies in each image to the power series to create a unique timbre for each image's song.

  • Database Design for Makeup Product Website

    Nov. '21 - Jan. '22

    - Designed and implemented a normalized relational database and data models for all the data used.

    - Crafted SQL queries within a REST API to operate a search bar feature in the final product.

    - Optimized SQL queries and minimized data retrieval to improve performance of the search bar.

  • Web Development Intern - Diversophy

    Feb. '21 - Apr. '21

    - Developed a web app to showcase the company's products using ReactJS, Express, node.js, and MySQL.

    - Communicated and collaborated with an international team focused on marketing, business, and UI design to implement new features to the final product.


Oberlin College

Completed May. '23

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Minor in Music

Relevant Coursework

  • Machine Learning:

    Machine learning algorithms, implementation, testing, optimization.

  • Database Design & Management:

    Relational databases, data normalization, data warehousing, ETL/ELT pipelines

  • Satistics:

    Statistical modeling


Python, SQL, Machine Learning, Agile, Statistical Modeling, Database Design, Database Management, Database Normalization, Java, C/C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript, ReactJS, Data Structures, Web Development, Technical Documentation


  • Music, Guitar/Bass Effects Pedals, Electronics, Audio Engineering, Crochet, D&D